From CRS EMS Guidelines


  • This protocol addresses discontinuation of field resuscitation.
  • If the patient does not meet Presumed Dead On Arrival criteria, they will receive full resuscitation efforts based on current guidelines.
  • Studies have shown that rapid transport to a hospital after unsuccessful pre-hospital ACLS resuscitation attempt rarely results in survival to hospital discharge.
  • Patients that do not respond to pre-hospital efforts will generally not be transported to the hospital.


EMS personnel may cease or withhold resuscitation efforts when the following circumstances are present upon arrival:

  • Presence of Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders
    • Valid Wisconsin Do Not Resuscitate wrist band attached to the patient.
    • Direct order from medical control physician.
  • Presence of irreversible biological death
    • Decomposition
    • Rigor mortis
    • Dependent lividity (dependent mottled, bluish appearance) with
      • Pulselessness AND
      • Apnea AND
      • No shockable rhythm
  • Traumatic injuries
    • Injuries incompatible with life such as decapitation or transected torso
    • Bodily position not compatible with life(i.e.contortion)
      • Efforts should be made to document absence of vital signs
    • Penetrating trauma
      • No pupil response
      • No spontaneous movement
      • No shockable rhythm or organized EKG activity in two leads
    • Blunt trauma
      • Pulseless AND
      • Apneic AND
      • No shockable rhythm
    • In a multiple-patient or mass casualty incident these patients are triaged BLACK.

Contact Medical Control for the following:

  • A physician on scene wants to direct continuing or discontinuing resuscitation in conflict with the direction this protocol or medical control gives you
  • Other circumstances of obvious death not listed above
  • Determination of death confirmation


EMS personnel may terminate resuscitation if ALL of the following conditions are met:

  • Cardiac arrest prior to EMS arrival
  • Patient is >18 years old
  • Patient is not visibly pregnant
  • Patient is not hypothermic due to an environmental extreme
  • Patient displays no signs of neurologic function
  • ALL of the following ACLS Interventions have been performed:
    • At least 3 rounds of ACLS medications have been administered.
    • Successful placement of ET tube or supraglottic airway, confirmed by approved methods.
    • Patent IV/IO line.
    • Quantitative ETCO2 is less than 15mmHg after 20 minutes of ACLS care have been provided.
  • All three of the following are true:
    • There has been no return of spontaneous circulation during resuscitation efforts
    • The arrest was not witnessed by EMS personnel
    • No shockable rhythm was witnessed (noV.Fib/V.Tach)


  • Full resuscitative efforts and transport will be initiated if:
    • The patient arrested during EMS care
    • The patient is in law enforcement custody
    • The arrest occurred in a crowded public space
    • Carrying out initial resuscitation on scene is felt to be unsafe.
    • Patient is less than 18 years old
  • Resuscitation may be continued as necessary if provider safety is in question.
  • Continue resuscitation efforts and transport the patient if the arrest is due to penetrating trauma and you are less than 15 minutes from a trauma center. If transport time exceeds 15 minutes, contact medical control.

Contact Medical Control for the following:

  • Termination recommendations for patients that do not meet all the criteria
  • Persistent rhythm of PEA despite 20 minutes of ACLS and no ROSC noted
  • A paced rhythm and no ROSC noted throughout resuscitation efforts

Post-termination Procedures:

  • Document time that resuscitation efforts were terminated.
  • Documented asystole in two cardiac leads AND place a copy of rhythm strip in the chart.
  • Contact Coroner. Do not disturb potential evidence.
  • Remain with deceased until released by law enforcement or coroner.
  • Assist surviving loved ones with contacting spiritual support, family or grief resources as needed.