Heat exhaustion is characterized by systemic symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps and or syncope due to excessive loss of body fluids and salts while in a hot environment. Heat Stroke is a medical emergency signified by very hot, dry skin with associated mental status changes such as decreased level of consciousness, confusion and/or seizures. This condition occurs most frequently in the very young and old
EMR - Emergency Medical Responder
- Initial assessment
- If patient has an altered mental status, apply oxygen and consider ALS Intercept
- Treat hyperthermia
- Have patient cease all physical activity
- Move the patient to a cool environment
- Remove excess clothing
- Cool patient using mist with fan to promote cooling, if available, or apply cool damp towels and allow evaporation if misting not available
- Cold packs to groin, axilla and neck (central pulse points) as needed
- Avoid shivering. This will counteract cooling mechanisms.
- Place supine or in slight Trendelenburg position as needed
- If the patient is hypotensive and tachycardic, place the patient in the Trendelenburg position and initiate ALS Intercept.
- Observe for seizure activity.
- If alert, sips of water, Gatorade or other electrolyte solution is permissible if nausea is minimal or not a factor.
EMT - Emergency Medical Technician Perform/Confirm All Above Interventions
- Perform Glucometry and follow hypoglycemia protocol if indicated.
- Apply cardiac monitor, print rhythm strip for reference
- Transport with continued cooling measures and ongoing assessment
AEMT – Advanced Emergency Medicine Tech Perform/Confirm All Above Interventions
- If unable to drink fluids, establish IV access and administer 500 mL normal saline then contact Medical Control for further fluid orders.
Intermediate - Perform/Confirm All Above Interventions
- If the patient develops any seizure activity, treat via the seizure protocol.
- Consider appropriate pain medication for muscle cramps as per Pain Management protocol.
Paramedic - Perform/Confirm All Above Interventions