Considerations: cardio-respiratory arrest, airway obstruction, shock, stroke, seizure, trauma, overdose, diabetic complications, hypo/hyperthermia. Evaluate for suspected child abuse in infants with altered mental status or new seizures.
EMR - Emergency Medical Responder
- Perform an initial assessment, confirm ABCs
- If apneic, pulseless or in shock/hypotension, refer to appropriate protocol.
- Cervical spine precautions are to be taken if circumstances surrounding the event are not known or indicate a possible spine or head injury.
- Begin initial medical care with emphasis on maintaining a functional airway
- Refer to the airway protocol
- Apply high-flow oxygen, if not already done
- Anticipate need for suction
- If no spinal injury, may place in recovery position
- Provide appropriate airway management based on patient condition.
- Evaluate temperature exposure. Treat as indicated.
- Obtain history from witnesses
- If reason for altered consciousness becomes evident, treat per appropriate protocol.
EMT - Emergency Medical Technician Perform/Confirm All Above Interventions
- Perform Glucometry and follow hypoglycemia protocol if indicated.
- Perform a rapid neurological exam.
- Report level of consciousness via GCS or AVPU scoring system
- Check pupils, response to pain, any unequal movements, slurred speech, etc.
- Any observed or reported seizure activity
- If respiratory effort inadequate, ventilate patient with BVM or attempt appropriate airway based on level of training and verify placement.
- If signs and symptoms consistent with CVA Stroke) follow CVA protocol.
- If altered mental status persists, Consult Medical Control regarding need for ALS intercept
AEMT – Advanced Emergency Medicine Tech Perform/Confirm All Above Interventions
- Initiate Transport and establish IV en route
- Apply cardiac monitor, print rhythm strip for reference
- Consult Medical Control for further orders
- Evaluate for narcotic overdose based on medications, history and pupillary exam. Treat as indicated with naloxone (Narcan) 0.4mg IV or IN per dose. Repeat as needed up to 2 mg. Titrate primarily to ensure adequate ventilation, airway control and to maintain a systolic BP >90.
Intermediate - Perform/Confirm All Above Interventions
- Assess and treat any symptomatic dysrhythmia. Consider Overdose if evidence of dysrhythmias or wide-complex QRS
- Treat seizure if present, per Seizure guideline
Paramedic - Perform/Confirm All Above Interventions
- Administer antidotes as indicated
- Administer antidysrhythmics as indicated