Basic Life Support: Identify EMS unit and that you are on a “BLS Call”. If the responding unit is a BLS unit, but the patient has symptoms that suggest the need for ALS care, this should be stated and either a request be made for ALS intercept or state that such has already been requested. The following information should then be reported:
- Age and sex of patient
- Chief complaint
- Brief history of present illness or mechanism of injury
- Level of consciousness
- Vital signs, including pulse, blood pressure and respirations
- Pulse oximetry and/or blood glucose reading if appropriate and available
- Any therapeutic measures performed.
Advanced Life Support: Identify EMS Unit and state “ALS call”. For all major or potential major trauma patients contact medical control as early as allowed by patient condition and relay a brief report, including patient age, sex, mechanism of injury, current vital signs to allow for early activation of the trauma system. A complete report should follow when the management of the patient allows. The following should be reported on all ALS calls:
- Age and sex of patient
- Chief complaint
- Brief history of present illness and/or mechanism of injury
- Level of consciousness, including GCS if appropriate
- Vital signs, including pulse, blood pressure and respirations
- Pulse oximetry and/or blood glucose reading if appropriate and available
- Presence or absence of IV access
- Type of immobilization, if appropriate
- Physical Exam
- Pupillary size and response
- Respiratory Distress
- Lung Sounds
- Skin Condition
- Pedal Edema
- Pain Scale
- Relevant past medical history
- Medications
- Allergies
- 12 lead EKG findings if appropriate
- Any therapeutic measures performed