From CRS EMS Guidelines
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(Paramedic Units)

Standard Drugs

5 adenosine (Adenocard) vials (6 mg)

2 albuterol (Ventolin) pre-mixed solution for nebulization (2.5 mg) (may also carry DuoNeb Solution)

3 amiodarone (Cordarone)(150/3mL)

12 ASA (81 mg)

2 atropine ampules (1 mg) (Optional based on operational needs, but must carry some formulation)

3 atropine sulfate pre-filled syringes (1 mg/10 mL)

1 calcium chloride 10% pre-filled syringe (1 gram/10 mL)

2 dextrose 50% pre-filled syringes (25 grams/50 mL)

2 diphenhydramine (Benadryl) pre-filled syringes (50 mg)

1 dopamine (Intropin) ampules (400 mg) or pre-mixed IV solution drip

2 epinephrine 1:1,000 1 mg ampule (Optional: Note that some formulation of Epi 1:1,000 must be carried)

6 epinephrine 1:10,000 pre-filled syringes (1 mg/10 mL)

3 fentanyl (Sublimaze) 2 mL vials (50 mcg/mL)

2 ipratropium bromide (Atrovent) premixed solution for nebulization (500 mcg)

2 Ketamine vials (500mg/10mL)

3 lidocaine pre-filled syringes (100 mg/5 mL)

1 lidocaine vial (2 gram) or pre-mixed IV solution drip (Optional)

2 magnesium sulfate 50% pre-filled syringes (5 grams/10 mL)

2 midazolam (Versed) vials (5mg/5mL)

2 naloxone (Narcan) vial (4 mg/10 mL)

1 nitroglycerin bottle (1/150 grain; 0.4 mg)

2 ondansetron (Zofran) (4 mg)

1 rocuronium (Zemuron)100mg/10 mL

3 sodium bicarbonate pre-filled syringes (50 mEq/50 mL)

2 succinylcholine (Anectine) 200mg/10 mL

Nitroglycerin (may carry either nitrolingual spray or tablets, must carry enough for at least 6 doses)

Optional Drugs:

1 glucagon vial (1 mg/mL)

Solutions: All units should carry Normal Saline as their base fluid. A total of 6 liters of fluid should be stocked, but the types of bags carried may be based on operational need. The volumes of normal saline may include 50 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 500 mL and/or 1,000 mL bags.